Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Coming soon: e-bomb to 'numb' enemy

In the not too distant future, Indian armed forces would be equipped with "e-bomb", courtesy Terminal Ballistic and Research Laboratory (TBRL), one of the top defence research and development laboratories in the country.

Stated to be most lethal weapon after nuclear bombs, the TBRL is expected to finish the R&D work on the project within the 12th plan period.

Located on the outskirts of Chandigarh, the lone ballistic laboratory of Defence Research and Development Organisation ( DRDO), TBRL has developed the technology and is working on a weapon, which would be capable of neutralising the command, control and communication systems of the enemy. Confirming the development, TBRL director Dr Manjit Singh told TOI that such weapon would be capable of causing huge destruction, without affecting humans.

"It would be equally capable of damaging the communication system and other technologies ensuring maximum and sudden setback to the enemy," Singh added.

He said that the technology of 'e-bomb' or 'electromagnetic bomb' would be based on explosive-driven high-energy pulse power technology and can be deployed against enemy's other establishments like civil utility networks and power generation networks, to name a few.

A P S Sodhi, senior scientist of TBRL working on the project, said that to develop electromagnetic bombs, they are using explosive-driven high-energy pulse power technology, which can produce a pulse current of peak value 1.4 mega ampere from chemical energy released by 2.8 kg of high explosives.

The information about the 'e-bomb' was shared by TBRL scientists on Monday on the sidelines of a gathering called to apprise about an international conference which the organization is holding from November 10 to 12 at its field laboratory in Ramgarh near Panchkula. Leading global experts from India, USA, Israel UK, Russia, Germany, Australia, Ukraine, Czech Republic and Poland, among other countries, who will be sharing their expertise and knowledge on the latest technologies now in use in the world as well as the latest trends in research on a host of sensitive subjects.

The conference has been organised by High Energy Materials Society of India (HEMSI) with a view to help in strengthening country's defence, space and internal security system.

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